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Who are Tylee and JJ?

  Tylee Ryan was a beautiful 17 year old girl that has not been seen nor heard from since September 8, 2019, along with her adopted 7 year old brother Joshua "JJ" Vallow who was last seen September 23, 2019 (the day before Tylee's birthday). Their's is a twisted case involving a number of unexplained deaths, possible cult connections, and attempted murder. Here I have compiled all the information I (and others dedicated to finding justice for these precious children) have found about the people involved in the case.

   Here you will find links to media articles, videos, and interviews with family, friends, and neighbors. These are the resources we've used to compile the information found here.

  You will also find links referencing groups mentioned and personal websites of those most directly involved.

  Here you will find a photo gallery of legal documents related to this case. Everything here is available to the public or was supplied by family members. It is our hope that this information will be useful to those hoping to make sense of the events listed here as well as aiding those searching for these children.

  First and foremost we do this because we care. Everyone involved in this research wanted these children located and reunited with those that love them. We also want justice for the wrongdoings done to the family of these children.

  Please, take the time to really get to know these children.

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